
Optimizing Healthcare Logistics: Commissioning Time-Sensitive and Vital Medical Shipments for Delivery

Optimizing Health Care Logistics

Many shipments that travel with system parcel service providers are not life-critical or do not affect time-critical medical procedures. However, some of them are and the commissioning of highly specialized white-glove providers for the shipment of sensitive products is often subject to economic limitations that must also be taken into account. How can you still ensure a smooth shipment through the systems of the major parcel service providers (UPS, DHL, Fedex …)?

  • Coordinate the delivery data including details such as department, building and floor as precisely as possible with the recipient
  • Ask the recipient to provide you with the contact details of a specific contact person and communicate these with your parcel service provider
  • Coordinate restrictions in the delivery times with the recipient
  • Use special and premium rates from the parcel service provider as far as possible to ensure the highest possible priority for your shipment
  • For shipments to another customs territory: Confirm the values and HTS codes of your products and describe them as precisely as possible on the commercial invoice.
  • Share the commercial invoice and accompanying documentation with your shipping service provider and the recipient so that there are as few delays as possible in the shipping chain due to queries
  • Intensive monitoring (even after service hours) and proactive intervention in the delivery chain in the event of delays prevents further delays
  • Avoid the general hotlines and customer servicae e-mail addresses and establish individual contacts with the most important parcel service providers who can help you internally during the journey of your parcel.

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