A message from Kalms Consulting and Kalms Operations in times of COVID-19
Dear friends, partners, and clients,
The world and all our lives have significantly changed in the past days and weeks. We truly hope that you, your families and friends are all doing well.
These times are certainly challenging for all of us. We are faced with new tasks nobody thought about just a few days ago and it remains unclear what the next days and weeks will bring.
We at Kalms Consulting and Kalms Operations want to ensure you that we are and will continue to be your partner in the coming days and weeks.
Our consulting team is now working from home and is fully operational. As you have probably experienced yourself, meetings at hospitals and with other important stakeholders are nearly impossible now for good reason. However, in most cases we are still able to reach those contacts by phone or email to discuss urgent issues. Of course, we will continue working on all our projects and if there’s anything we can do in the current situation to support you or make life easier for you, please let us know – whether you are a client or not.
Furthermore, we have separated the Kalms Operations team into different shifts. This way, we can ensure that even if people get sick, we are still able to send out products and support customers. If there is anything we can support you with, whether it’s logistical issues or reaching out to someone, we are happy to help you. Please let us know.
Many of our meetings have turned into video conferences. Even though this proves to work well, we are looking forward to seeing you again in person as soon as possible!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there’s anything we can do for you or if you have any questions.
Please take care and stay healthy!
Best regards,
Marco Kalms, Stephan Binder
and the entire Kalms Consulting and Kalms Operations teams.