
Results of the 2018 NUB Applications

On January 30th, 2018, the Institute for the Reimbursement System in Hospitals (InEK) published the results of the 2018 applications for extra reimbursement for New Diagnostic and Treatment Methods (NUB).
The annual procedure of hospitals’ submissions of NUB Inquiries to InEK has the purpose to achieve the opportunity to negotiate extra reimbursement, if the new method requires funding exceeding the level of the existing DRG yields for standard of care treatments. For new methods which constitute a new theoretical scientific concept and use  medical devices with specific risk class and invasive approach, the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) is obliged by law (§137h SGB V) to conduct an early benefit assessment on the new method. Especially the latter assessment requires distinct preparation.

Kalms Consulting is advising clients in the phases of NUB draft preparation and conduct of the NUB procedures with and without required §137h assessments. In both cases, our primary target is a positive NUB status for our client. Therefore, profound submission documents must be prepared for hospitals. The client must be guided to support hospitals through the NUB negotiation steps with the health funds to finally agree on a sufficient NUB extra fee value.

The results of the 2018 NUB applications are available at this address.

Kalms Consulting services include the analysis of likelihood of success as well as risk assessment and risk management. Next to this, we support you and your customers in hospitals at all stages of the application process including support of budget negotiations in case of a successful NUB application.

You are very welcome to contact us to discuss if your product(s) might be applicable for the next NUB application period.

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Marco Kalms brings in various skills from over 20 years of operational, strategic and reimbursement experience in leading positions of the medical device industry. He has deep experience being a former Sales Manager, Country Manager in Germany and as Managing Director Europe during American Medical Systems` high growth years. In 2012, Marco founded Kalms & Partner Consulting, specializing in European market access for international medical device companies. Marco provides personal specific expertise in market access, strategic approach, market assessments, reimbursement and product launch strategies.

Marco Kalms

CEO Kalms Consulting

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