Edward Black has worked in health insurance and medical technology reimbursement for 45 years. Edward began his career working in the Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance system in hospital and clinic relations and medical policy review. Edward served as Co-Executive Director for three clinic/health plan business partnerships in the early days of Community Integrated Service Networks. His work was recognized by the Medical Alley Association of Minnesota with the 1995 Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Healthcare Industry.
In 2008, Edward founded Reimbursement Strategies, LLC as a reimbursement/market access/health economics consulting company based in St. Paul, MN. His understanding of hospital, physician and health insurance perspectives helped him guide medtech companies to adopt a careful planning approach to successfully commercialize new technology with a focus on Reimbursement. As a result, Edward became a frequent international lecturer to medtech clusters in eleven countries.
Edward has a Masters in Business Administration and continues to serve on the University of Minnesota Business Advisory Group for technology commercialization.